The Search – Japan Commemorative Edition – David Paton


The Search – Japan Commemorative Edition – David Paton


The majority of the songs on the Search CD are re-recordings of the songs from the lost 1980 EMI solo album 'No Ties No Strings' There was no way this album was going to see the light of day, so the only way of getting the songs heard was to re-record them, not an easy task as the originals were recorded in Abbey Road. However, with technology as it is now, the songs were reproduced fairly accurately and even enhanced with some new ideas and arrangements. The collection includes two new songs 'Time to talk' and 'Halfway there' sympathetically chosen to blend with the mood of the existing songs.

The CD was also released in Japan by Cool Sound with a bonus track called "The System". The Japanese import is definately worth picking up if you can find it. Scarcer than hen's teeth indeed.

Additional information

Dimensions 10 × 1 × 10 cm

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